Twitter not dead yet

Twitter has a reputation of being a broadcast medium, with just a few users twittering and everyone following, but new figures from Sysomos seem to show that those silent users are starting to get a little noisier.

Sysomos looked at over a billion tweets made in the last four months and found that the number of tweets per day grew by 30% in the last four months to about 53 million a day in late March, from 40 million a day in December, and most of that growth seems to be from outside of the US with outside growth rates. Growth from outside of the US peaked at 13% in January, but has continued at a respectable 8-9% a months since.

Sysomos tweet growth Dec 2009 Mar 2010

Twitter has also improved its stickiness. Sysomos discovered that people who had been on Twitter for less than three months kept a steady presence, accounting for about 22% of total tweets in each of the past four months. Sysomos think that this suggests “new users are sticking around and establishing a solid presence”.

Guess we’ll have to put a hold on that death of Twitter article for another month ;-)

The full report can be read here

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