comScore have released a complete round up to the last year in mobile that includes some spectacular figures for December 2010. The inaugural comScore 2010 Mobile Year in Review, shows 29% of Europeans browsed the mobile web in December 2010, and smartphones account for 31% of the mobile market. The report looks at key trends…
Tag: comScore
US smartphone users increased by 60 percent in 2010
comScore figures for December 2010 show a year on year increase of 60% for smartphone usage in the US market, and Android continues its steady growth with a 7.3% rise in the last quarter of 2010 According to comScore figures 63.2 million people in the US owned smartphones during the three months ending in December…
Smartphones now used by 1 in 4 US mobile subscribers
comScore’s quarterly mobile figures for the three months to October 2010 reveal that nearly 1 in 4 US mobile subscribers are on smartphones, and Android continues to grow with a substantial 6.5% growth rate in the last quarter. Smartphone Platform Market Share Of the 234 million Americans ages 13 and older who use mobile devices,…
comScore – Android sees significant growth in US
comScore has released data from latest July survey of key trends in the US mobile phone industry during the three month average period ending July 2010. The big change is the increase in the Smartphone market share for Android. It produced a staggering 5% growth for the quarter. Elsewhere not much changed, which is surprising…
Women are spending 30% more time than men on social networking sites
Figures from comScore show what we all thought, that social networks are used more by women than men. While there are only slightly more women using social networking sites than men, they spend over 30% more time than men when they’re online. comScore’s report on women’s online usage, Women on the Web: How Women are Shaping…
Android makes gains over Apple in US smartphone market
comScore’s latest MobiLens data for the three months ending May 2010 shows a significant 4% rise in the Google Android smartphone market compared to a fall in the Apple IOS, RIM, Microsoft and Palm smartphone markets. However while this all seems to be going in Google’s favour it has to be remembered that many Apple…
comscore outlines iPhone/smartphone demographic and usage
While the perception and the influence of the iPhone are huge, it is only a small part of the phones out there and Ex-Rapid Mobile CEO and now vp of mobile for Europe at comScore, Jeremy Copp has the figures to prove it According to the latest figures from comScore the iPhone currently represents just…
e-commerce bounces back – the Internet recession is over
E-commerce is back up to double digit year-on-year increases for the first time in six quarters, and while this is not strictly a mobile story, it will undoubtedly have an influence on the mobile sector. comScore’s Q1 2010 US retail e-commerce sales estimates, showed that online retail spending neared (£23.5 billion) $34 billion for the…
UK leads Europe in Smartphone race
comScore released a study of the smartphone market in Europe showing that smartphone adoption in the EU5 (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy) has grown 32 percent versus a year ago to 51.6 million subscribers. Whilst growth can be seen across the range of monthly subscription fees, the mid to low tier is growing faster than…
The Top ten mobile sites (official(ish)!)
Last week the GSMA and comScore launched Mobile Media Metrics, and at last we’ll be able to get some true figures for what we’ve know all along. The mobile web is massive!
Analysis, Comment
Mobile Media Metrics – 4/10 must try harder
Mobile Media Metrics has finally arrived, now we can put really sort the mobile leaders from the mobile pipsqueaks. But there’s a nagging doubt?