Digitimes Research estimates Android will takes 70% of the worldwide handset market in the second half of 2012
Tag: iphone
Apps, iPad, iPhone, News
Chrome for iOS gets a social update
Chrome browser for iPad and iPhone gets Twitter, Facebook and Goggle+ update
37% of published apps have been removed from the Android Market
Research by Research2guidance has revealed that the Android market is growing faster than iPhone and it would be almost catching up with IOS if it wasn’t for those pesky App store owners. The Research2guidance (R2G) research shows that while there are tens of thousands of new Android apps appearing, there are an equally significant number…
Android accounts for 1 in 3 smartphone users in US
Apps, News, WP7
Windows Phone 7 hits 11,500 apps with 65% paid v’s 35% free
Android, Apps, BlackBerry, iPhone, News
Half a billion a year spent on apps in the UK
Android, Apps, iPhone, News
App discovery still creating problems
Android, Apps, iPhone, News
Debenhams make £1 million sales from their iPhone app
Debenhams iPhone app has boosted Debenhams sales by over £1 million in the last five months, and has prompted them to launch a new Android and Nokia app. Following the success of their iPhone app Debenhams has launched an app for Android and Nokia phones, making the retailer the first on the high street to…
iPad apps outnumber Ovi, BlackBerry and Windows combined
Apple now has over 300,000 iPhone apps in the US, more than twice the nearest competitor according to February’s Distimo figures The latest Distimo report for Feb 2011 looks in depth at the Mac app store and has some interesting things to say about Mac desktop app users versus Apple mobile app users. Distimo reports…
Tesco sells more Android phones than iPhones
Tesco now sells more Android phones than iPhones. File under “It had to happen”, Mobile Today has a report that Tesco are now selling more Android phones than iPhones. It comes as no surprise that Apple iPhones are being outsold by Android, after all there are more models and more manufacturers producing Android phones, and…
2010 mobile sales see Samsung growing fast
ABI Research figures for 2010 are all in and unsurprisingly Nokia still dominate the market with just over a third of the Worldwide market, however Samsung are catching up and account for one in five phones in the market. The ABI Research figures for Q4 2010 make for some interesting viewing. Nokia is still the…
Thinner, lighter, faster, better, iPad2 and it’s out this month
The iPad2 is finally out of the bag – or rather it will be to lucky people in the US in 9 days time – and it looks fantastic. The headline features are; thinner, lighter, more powerful, faster, with more features, an interesting cover, and all for the same price with the same 10 hour…
1 in 5 smartphone owners are addicted to their smartphone
Yeah I’ve got an Android phone but I can handle it right? I don’t need to …oh hang on my phone’s ringing The latest JustAsk! Research Study from US business Crowd Science into consumer smartphone behaviour and attitudes reveals that smartphone owners are unable to give up their devices, and are thoroughly addicted to the…
Martin Sorrell “apps still only touching the tip of the iceberg”
Businesses need to embrace mobile to succeed as the use of applications continues to boom, according to Martin Sorrell, chief executive of WPP. In a speech at Mobile World Congress 2011 Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of advertising giant WPP, noted that the average Apple user has 60 applications across devices such as the iPhone, iPad…
Average mobile app usage exceeds 11 hours a month
The fastest way to a smartphone user is via an app or messaging as new research shows smartphone users spend more time with their apps and messaging than they do on calls and web browsing. According to the study, commissioned by, the research arm of the GSMA, mobile apps are responsible for 667 minutes of…
Android now the number one smartphone
Android is now the number one operating system for smartphones and dislodges Symbian from the number one position it has held for 10 years. According to research company Canalys, Android sold 32.9 million devices during Q4 2010, overtaking Symbian, which sold 31 million. This represents a 615% year on year sales increase for Android, and…
A quarter of downloaded apps are used only once
Bad news if you’re thinking of producing an app that will make you millions, a new survey has found that most downloaded apps are used only once. Localytics studied the thousands of Android, iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry and Windows Phone 7 apps over the last year, and the good news is that users are willing to…
Apple’s iOS accounts for 5% of all browsing in the UK
Figures from web site NetMarketShare show’s Apple’s iOS is accounting for almost one in every twenty web pages viewed in the UK, and one in fifty worldwide. NetMarketShare tracks web traffic by browsers in real-time and Apple’s share of the market on iPads and iPhones now exceeds 2.06% of all browsing on the web worldwide…
Mobile developers are switching to tablet apps over Android
Tablets – particularly iPad tablets – are hot property with mobile developers according to the Appcelerator Mobile Developer Report, and the desire to get a iPad app out has put developers off developing for Android. Appcelerator and IDC surveyed 2,235 Appcelerator Titanium developers from January 10-12, 2011 on perceptions surrounding mobile OS priorities, feature priorities,…
Analysis, News
Apple adding mobile payments in iPad and iPhone
The rumours that Apple is to build-in mobile payments into the iPhone 5 are old, but now the rumour is that payments will also be built into the iPad 2 and enable iTunes for m-payments. According to the report in Bloomberg Apple will embed a NFC-based mobile payment services into the next iteration of its…