Apple now has over 300,000 iPhone apps in the US, more than twice the nearest competitor according to February’s Distimo figures
The latest Distimo report for Feb 2011 looks in depth at the Mac app store and has some interesting things to say about Mac desktop app users versus Apple mobile app users.
Distimo reports that the Apple App store is still way out in the lead with some 316,644 applications followed by Android with more than 150,000, followed by the iPad with around 60,000 apps – that’s more than ovi and BlackBerry put together – and next Ovi on around 25,000 apps. Note the figures are just for the US for Apple worldwide figures will be larger.
On iPad the highest ranked free app in the US was the new Murdoch Daily, followed by Angry Birds and Sand slides, paid iPad apps were dominated by Angry Birds, followed by Penultimate and Apple’s Pages – at a high $9.99 – was in third place.
For the iPhone the top three free apps started with Google Translate, Doodle Truck was second and Glass Tower was third – Angry Birds was down in sixth position. The top paid apps for iPhone had Angry Birds at number one, Fruit Ninja at number two and Angry Birds seasons at number three.
Less than two months after the launch of the Mac App Store, a top 300 Mac application – there are already a healthy 2,225 of them – already generates half the revenue of a top 300 iPad application on average, and the average selling price of the top 300 applications is seven times higher in the Mac App Store ($11.21) than on the iPhone ($1.57) and almost three times higher than on the iPad ($4.19).
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