Google’s ten new essential business apps

Google took a quick pop at Microsoft at the same time as launching ten new must-have apps on to their Google App Marketplace, and while not strictly mobile many of these apps will help you in your business.

First the pop at Microsoft, in the blog post by Steven Bazyl, from the Google Apps Marketplace team, Bazyl says “Instead of spending today patching operating systems we invite Google Apps users to explore these new applications which can deliver immediate business value to your organization.” Microsoft traditionally use Tuesday to send out updates to their products, it’s a cheap poke but it’s quite nice to see who Google see as the “enemy” and who they’re aiming these new products at.

All the apps are aimed fairly and squarely at business users, and if there were a theme to the apps it would be managing communication as several of the ten new applications help you manage communications more effectively, from tracking contact with customers and partners to making your inbox more efficient, the others offer deeper data integration with Google Docs, Gmail, and Google Calendar and some are standalone tools:

Here’s the ten in more detail:

Bantam Live is an easy CRM & team collaboration app to track contacts, prospects, deals and organize projects, tasks, and events. It Integrates with Google Apps and social networks to import/aggregate contacts.

Etacts helps grow your relationships. The application and Gmail contextual gadget enable you to instantly find out who you talk to the most and who you’ve neglected.

Organizer by OtherInbox helps cure email overload. It automatically organizes low priority email out of the way, leaving your Inbox much smaller so it’s easy to find the important messages from real people.

Aprigo NINJA for Google Docs provides advanced access management controls for Google Docs, giving organizations greater visibility and control over how documents are shared within and outside of the company.

Gliffy makes creating professional-quality flowcharts and diagrams simple, intuitively helping you turn complex information into attractive images everyone can understand

Gminutes is your one stop meeting minutes management solution for professionally executing meetings. All you have to do is create your meeting space, add relevant people to it and you are good to go.

Meetingmix helps you run meetings. It allows you to easily create agendas, take minutes, and share with attendees.

ReachPeople provides easy group alert notifications for critical communications. Now, schools and businesses can send one or thousands of mass notification messages via voice, SMS text, or email.

SiteKreator is an online service that allows anyone to instantly design, build and publish elegant, fully-branded, and interactive business websites.

TheDeadline is an intelligent Todo-Manager. The system makes collaboration very easy and helps users focus on the most important tasks and keep an overview of large sets of todos.

The apps, offer single sign-on with your existing Google Apps user accounts, so there are no new passwords to manage.

If you’re an administrator Google also provides a really simple way of  deploy it to your users in only a few clicks see the video below.

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