eBay mobile sales up 146% on Cyber Monday

eBay has released some figures from Cyber Monday and for the first time they’ve included some mobile figures.

The eBay shopping data results from Cyber Monday 2010 (November 29th) on eBay Mobile in the United States showed that mobile sales increased by 146 percent over Cyber Monday 2009, and globally, eBay’s mobile service is on track to generate more than $1.5 billion in sales in 2010, nearly triple its $600 million in mobile sales in 2009.

Computers & Networking and Cell Phones & PDAs were the highest performing categories in terms of sales compared to last year’s Cyber Monday, experiencing an 11% and 8% increase respectively. Of the Cell Phones & PDAs category, cell phone and PDA accessories sales were 23% higher than Cyber Monday 2009.

Apple mobile devices were also the favourite search term for eBay users, taking three of the top ten leading search terms on eBay.com on Cyber Monday the full ten search terms included:

  • Apple iPhone 4
  • Apple iPad
  • Apple iPod Touch
  • Sony PlayStation 3
  • Xbox 360
  • Laptop
  • Boots
  • Nintendo Wii
  • Men’s watches
  • Apple Macbook
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