We normally ignore releases about new mobile advertising platforms, but this one made us sit up and take notice.
MoPub – any company name with the word pub in it always gets our attention – is a new US ad serving platform start up created by ex employees of Google and AdMob, and is funded by venture capitalists who have previously funded mobile businesses such as GetJar and AdMob, and as start ups go you can’t get much better finance and technology background than that. And if that wasn’t enough MoPub was also incubated in AngelPad http://angelpad.org, an incubator created by a bunch of ex-Google employees.
The company founded by former AdMob and Google product managers and engineers, Jim Payne, Bryan Atwood and Nafis Jamal is still in private beta but has high hopes. CEO Jim Payne said, “We saw first-hand that the mobile industry needs a truly agnostic player that serves ads without a preference of ad network. That is what MoPub is intended to be.”
Investors in MoPub include Rich Wong, Partner at Accel Partners and Michael Dearing from Harrison Metal, who have previously worked with leading mobile companies such as GetJar and AdMob.
Rich Wong, Partner at Accel Partners said, “There’s another wave coming in mobile advertising. Although it’s hard to remember, Android and iPhone didn’t even exist four years ago, so with the substantially improved inputs the next five years will see another step change of opportunities in mobile advertising .” Michael Dearing added, “With the deep background of the founders and investors in the mobile advertising space, MoPub is well positioned to understand what publishers need to make the most money from their apps as possible.”
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