Google have launched an AdMob beta SDK for Windows Phone 7 (WP7) so Windows app developers can get access to revenue and advertisers can exploit the new OS.
The new Beta WP7 developers allows developers to integrate advertising into their applications, control where the ads appear, and what types of ads are shown in their apps. The SDK supports text and banner ads with a variety of post click actions including opening a webpage and linking directly to the App Marketplace.
Google have also added the look and feel of the Windows Phone 7 platform to make it easy for users to return to their application after engaging with the ad.
In addition to the new beta Google have also updated their existing iOS and Android SDKs. The new SDKs include enhanced HTML5 support for ad units, and are supporting full screen interstitial formats for tablets on iOS and Android.
Writing on the Google Mobile Ads Blog Mark Schaaf, Director of Engineering, Mobile Ads said “One of the three core principles of our mobile ads business is ‘inclusiveness’; advertisers and developers should have access to the tools they need to reach users across many mobile platforms. More than 50,000 mobile applications across iOS, Android, and webOS platforms currently use AdMob’s monetization tools, and today, we’re excited to further expand our developer offerings with the launch of our beta SDK for Windows Phone 7.”
The only AdMob SDK that isn’t available is a BlackBerry SDK, but why? Is that becuase they know that RIM are going to switch to Android – they will do if they have sense – or is it that they think that a BlackBerry SDK is just taking inclusiveness too far, or is because they think the BlackBerry app market is dead in the water?
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