Opera state of the UK mobile web

The UK mobile market is continuing to grow at a multi-digit rate according to Opera’s latest State of the Mobile Web Report and there’s a welcome return of eBay into the top 10 most visited sites by mobile users.

According to Opera’s State of the Mobile Web Report for June (http://www.opera.com/smw/) the UK’s mobile market is continuing to grow at a pace.

Page-view growth since June 2009 is up by 90.1%, and users have increased by 37.4% over the same period. The average Brit now views 306 pages per month and consumes 6Mb per month – O2 will be happy as thi sis well below their 500Mb iPhone monthly limit.

The top ten sites has no change from last month in the top three with Google, Facebook and the BBC holding their positions from last month. However there’s been some jostling for position in the middle of the table as YouTube, Wikipedia, Microsft Live and Yahoo all moved positions from May’s results. The big news is that eBay is now back in the top ten after three months in the wilderness and it’s knocked out NewsNow.net from the top ten slot it’s occupied for the last three months.

Top 10 sites in the United Kingdom (unique users)

  1. google.com
  2. facebook.com
  3. bbc.co.uk
  4. youtube.com (5)
  5. wikipedia.org (4)
  6. my.opera.com (7)
  7. live.com (8)
  8. yahoo.com (6)
  9. pocketgear.com
  10. ebay.co.uk (back on the list)

The top handset for the month is once again the iPhone, it took the number one place in May, after reaching 5th place in April on just a few days traffic, and it looks like it’s going to be top for the duration.

Top handsets for June 2010

  1. Apple iPhone
  2. Sony Ericsson W395
  3. Nokia 2330c
  4. Nokia 6300
  5. Sony Ericsson S312
  6. BlackBerry 9700 (“Bold”)
  7. LG KC910 (“Renoir”)
  8. Nokia 6700c
  9. BlackBerry 8520 (“Curve”)
  10. LG KE970 (“Shine”)
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