Android registrations top 200,000 a day

Android skating

Back in the heady days of January when Google launched the Nexus One – remember that? it was a kind of phone with a Google logo on it – Google announced that they were activating 60,000 new Android phones each day?
Then in May, Google’s VP of Engineering Vic Gundotra announced it was up to 100,000 a day. And then not long after in early June, that number got bumped up to 160,000.

At the Technomy conference yesterday, Google CEO Eric Schmidt announced that, thanks to new devices like the Droid X, Google is now activating 200,000 Android devices every day.

That’d be 6,083,333 a month if it stayed at that rate, but Schmidt also pointed out that the rate hasn’t levelled off at 200,000– we’re still in the middle of huge growth.

In addition, he talked about being “ecstatic” about the revenue that Android is generating for Google. Check out his remarks at the bottom of this post:

At the current rates of growth we should be seeing around 315,000 new activations a day by December which works out at around 9.5 million a month. Which also means there’s going to be a further 38 Million new Android phones delivered before Christmas.

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