O2’s iPad customers are up in arms at O2’s decision to cut their monthly data allocations.
O2 customers who signed up for the iPad were initially told they could choose from plans with a 500MB cap, a 1 GB cap, or a 3 GB cap, but O2 has changed it’s terms and those caps are now much lower and O2 is explaining the original caps away as a “promotional offer”.
The original offer as outlined in the O2 press release says the “great value Pay & Go mobile broadband tariff options” are 500Mb data for £2 a day, 1GB will cost £10 for 30 days, and 3Gb will cost £15 for 30 days. With no mention of a promotional offer.
O2 are now saying on their iPad data plans page that those tariffs were “promotional” and the new tariffs will be 200Mb for your £2 a day, 1Gb will still cost you £10 for 30 days, but the 3GB £15 tariff is now just 2Gb. With all the new tariffs coming into effect from the 30 September.
O2 aren’t doing themselves any favours here, not only are they infuriating their customers they’re also making themselves amongst the most expensive network to use your iPad on.
Three’s rates http://www.three.co.uk/Mobile_Broadband/iPad_data_plans are still the cheapest with are £7.50 per month for up to 1GB of data use, or £15 for up to 10GB of data use per month on a rolling 1 month contract PAYG is £10 for 1Gb, or £20 for 3Gb .
Vodafone http://www.three.co.uk/Mobile_Broadband/iPad_data_plans is offering 1GB of data per month for £10, 3GB for £15, or 5GB for £25
Orange http://shop.orange.co.uk/ipad/ipad-choose-your-plan offers a daily tariff, charging £2 for up to 200MB of data, or a weekly plan charging £7.50 for up to 1GB. Or customers can pay £15 per month for up to 3GB, or £25 per month for up to 10GB. Or you can gamble and use the iPad plan and pay for what you use at 5p per Mb capped at £40 per month.
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