Nokia has just updated the Ovi app wizard, and all of the apps created with the app Wizard have just had a makeover.
Publishers using the Ovi app Wizard have received an email this morning with news of a new update to the Ovi app wizard and an update to all of the apps created using the app Wizard.
The key change to the app Wizard is that applications created with Ovi app wizard have a new design, reach more devices, and are easier to promote with the Ovi marketing tool.
The new Design is much more graphical and user friendly than the old version and it’s double good news as all applications created with Ovi app wizard will have a new look. If you’ve already published an app using Ovi app wizard, your app in Ovi Store will be automatically updated with the new design.
The app now has additional app customization features, you can now publish apps in more than 20 new languages, and the Ovi app wizard now works in English, Spanish, Italian, or Russian.
The wizard now creates apps for a broader reach of devices with the Ovi app wizard upgrade supporting additional smartphones, including the new N8. Ovi claims that the apps now automatically work on over 100 Nokia devices.
Nokia have also made it easier to create free marketing banners to promote your app. Instead of the separate promotional app – that had some teething issues when we used it – instead you just click ‘Promote’ next to your app in the dashboard.
Unfortunately while the app is upgraded, the graphics and screen shots on the Ovi app store are not, so while you app has the whizzy new design to the Ovi store user it still looks like the old – and quite frankly horrible – version.
You can find the app at
Or you can get a taste for the end results by trying out Business Mobile’s own Ovi App at
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