Sign up for the Mobile Marketing Show London 21-22 Sept

Mobile Marketing Show 21-22 Sept 2010 Olympia London

A date for your diary the Mobile Marketing Show Olympia 21-22 Sept.
The Mobile Marketing Show 21-22 Sept is nearly here, and this year it looks like it’s going to be a must-visit show.

The mobile marketing show is supported by the Mobile Marketing Association and featuring comapanies such as 2ergo, Amobee, GetJar, Netbiscuits, Open Market and Rapid Mobile Media.

Features include:

  • The Mobile Marketing and Apps Theatre : With over 50% of last year’s visitors attending ad:tech London to source mobile marketing solutions the educational content is designed to meet the visitors’ needs.
  • The MMA Pavilion will showcase twice the number of participating companies as last year and include a bar and networking area
  • A broad range of suppliers representing the full spectrum of mobile marketing services from apps development to location-based targeting solutions.

For further information about participating in the Mobile Marketing Show contact Melanie Somers on +44 (0) 203 180 6519.

Alternatively register here to secure your free ad:tech visitor pass.

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Sessions at the event include;

DAY: Tuesday 21 September 2010

10:30 – 11:00
Innovative ways to connect and retain contact with audiences using mobile

11:10 – 11:40
How to build a successful app: the lessons learned in the journey to becoming the UKs 1st hosted GPU farm

11:50 – 12:20
The new marketplace: An evolution in mobile?

12:30 – 13:00
The real consumer perspective on mobile advertising

13:10 – 13:40
Five ways to create and improve revenues from mobile marketing

13:50 – 14:20
Taking your campaigns mobile : How to extend your reach to a new audience

14:30 – 15:00
Why no brand can afford to ignore mobile

15:10 – 15:40
A practical guide: How to build a mobile proposition that engages & converts

15:50 – 16:20
In-application advertising

16:30 – 17:00
The apps explosion and key opportunities for brands

DAY: Wednesday 22 September 2010

10:30 – 11:00
The reality beyond the hype: Location based mobile marketing

11:10 – 11:40
Taking advertising local – through mobile

11:50 – 12:20
Extending video and video advertising to mobile devices

12:30 – 13:00
Challenges and opportunities of developing apps for all mobile platforms

13:10 – 13:40
Maximise the potential of rich media mobile marketing by eliminating the cost to the your consumers

13:50 – 14:20
Your brand in their pocket: now what?

14:30 – 15:00
Android, iPad, iPhone…monetising mobile across platforms

15:10 – 15:40
Building brand loyalty through mCouponing

15:50 – 16:20
Mobile Advertising: Making search and display work together

16:30 – 17:00
Unlock the potential of mobile marketing with network enablers: Drive sales and brand engagement with Mobile Crediting

Full details of all the sessions are below.

Rich media ad serving & tracking: Enabling better creatives, better indicators and better performances

Mathieu Roche & David de Jong will present the latest innovations regarding rich media ad serving and tracking. Do not miss out the demo of adperfTM & adrime combo, illustrating the solutions benefits for advertisers & agencies. Mathieu and David will reveal how advertisers and agencies can achieve:
— Advanced interaction tracking & reporting
— Visibility measurement
— Automatic optimization capabilities, and much more


* David de Jong, CEO & Partner, Adrime
* Mathieu Roche, General Manager, weborama

Taking your campaigns mobile: How to extend your reach to a new audience

In the next 3 – 4 years mobile internet users will overtake fixed internet users globally. That represents a significant opportunity for companies to start engaging with their customers in new and interactive ways. Companies need to start testing with mobile as a new channel to market now.

This session will show you how to create mobile advertising campaigns to run across mobile sites and applications, including targeting options and ad units available.


* Paul Childs, Chief Marketing Officer, Adfonic

The new marketplace: An evolution in mobile?

The mobile market is rapidly evolving and marketers and publishers are keen to identify where the opportunities lie for their business. This seminar will offer answers to the following questions:

— What revenue opportunities exist for mobile publishers?
— How can advertisers reach their audience in an efficient way?
— What makes a succesfull publisher?

Amobee has launched the world’s first mobile marketplace connecting buyers and sellers of mobile advertising and attempting to address all of these issues.


* Ben Tatton-Brown, SVP, Amobee

Integrating social media for email marketing

Social Media and email should be considered as complimentary not competing channels. In this seminar we will demonstrate how you can use website content, blog content, forum posts, Twitter feeds and Facebook groups to funnel visitors into your email subscription programmes with a view to maximising business opportunities through automated upsell and lead generation. The latest Econsultancy email marketing research shows that only 17% of respondents consider their email marketing to be integrated with other sales and marketing activities. With the integrated online marketing award nominated by The Bookseller as an example we aim to show you how this is done.


* Rob Hunter, Group Account Director, Adestra Ltd
* Sam Missingham, Head of Audience Development, The Bookseller

Taking your campaigns mobile : How to extend your reach to a new audience

In the next 3 – 4 years mobile internet users will overtake fixed internet users globally. That represents a significant opportunity for companies to start engaging with their customers in new and interactive ways. Companies need to start testing with mobile as a new channel to market now. This session will show you how to create mobile advertising campaigns to run across mobile sites and applications, including targeting options and ad units available.


* Paul Childs, Chief Marketing Officer, Adfonic

Can ad networks survive as data becomes more essential in the advertising mix?

Adnetik is the first to globally roll out Audience Investment Management (AIM), an advanced digital media targeting tool. By leveraging proprietary customer information and 3rd party data to make intuitive, algorithm based media buys in real-time, Adnetik is able to provide advertisers with a unique competitive advantage. The resulting efficiencies are threatening the generic Ad Network model and allowing agencies to serve ads more efficiently. Adnetik will share case studies from the US and UK. Publishers are also reporting (source Rubicon report) CPM enhancements of up to 25%.


* Phil Cooper, CEO, Adnetik UK

Generating quality customers in volume from lead generation

We will cover the latest developments in lead generation and the options available to advertisers & agencies to generate new customers in volume. We will highlight specific channels and provide case studies from recent campaigns.


* Alex Attinger, Managing Director, AJinteractive

New Innovations in SEO

Since Google’s universal search catapulted videos and local business listings into the organic result pages, the last 12 months have witnessed a period of dramatic change and product launches such as the launch of real time search and the May day update. My presentation considers the impact of these recent innovations and the opportunities that exist for long term SEO growth.


* David Reilly, Managing Director, Barracuda Digital Ltd

How to earn more from your traffic using search advertising feeds

This seminar explores the opportunities available for publishers to generate significant additional revenue streams from their traffic utilising a range of search advertising feeds. Content includes:
— Introduction to search advertising feeds
— What feeds and formats are available
— How and where are search feeds currently being successfully utilised
— How much can you earn
— How do publishers qualify for these feeds and where can you get them from


* Craig Stapley , Director, Black Magic Media Ltd

Online research panels: Monetising web traffic whilst gaining customer insight

The Cint Panel Exchange is the only system that gives market researcher sample buyers direct access to targeted individuals throughout the world. Any company with web traffic, subscription or customer lists can convert these assets at no cost into research panels. Owning your own panel allows you to gain invaluable customer insight as well as giving them a platform to engage with you, significantly increasing their affinity with your brand. This session looks at how the unique model of Cint allows panels to be opened in the Exchange – the global marketplace for online sample where buyers will pay for access to panelists.


* Stephen Hughes , Managing Director, CINT UK

Kick-ass Google analytics to drive ROI

Google Analytics provides marketers with huge volumes of visitor data, but it can be tough to translate that data into insight, let alone actions to improve ROI. Fear the data no longer, in this seminar we will show you how to create your own kick–ass reports to help you improve your the perforamce of your sites. You will learn how to:
— Segment your visitors to gain insight
— Understand why visitors fail to convert
— Uncover lost opportunities to maximise customer revenue

The session will provide actionable takeaways relevant to a wide variety of industry sectors.


* Matthew Oxley, SEO Manager, Gravytrain

The real consumer perspective on mobile advertising

The mobile advertising industry is full of research on the consumer view of mobile advertising. Most of it is garbage. Digital advertizing guru Rob Jonas leveraged the InMobi global network of over 179 million consumers in over 100 countries to research this issues in depth using proper research hygiene and a peer review process. 13 countries and 13,000 surveys later, we have one of the most comprehensive studies on the consumer view of mobile advertising ever conducted leveraging examples from Travel, Entertainment, Manufacturer, and Automotive brands. Attendees will learn about the benefits of mobile advertising from a consumer perspective and take away tangible examples of different creative options and applications across several brands. They will gain insight into the differences and similarities by country and regions and understand the overall consumer mobile market size in all major European countries.


* Rob Jonas, Vice President and Managing Director, Europe, InMobi

Desperately seeking the elusive 20+ female?

Zylom by RealGames is the market leader of online casual games – the fastest growing advertising channel of today.

The seminar is essential for savvy marketers actively looking to reach the increasingly inaccessible 20+ ABC1 female demographic. This highly profitable yet hard-to-reach audience are the key decision-makers who buy into your brand.

Experience the power of this unique and engaging opportunity from strategy to evaluation through the eyes of major high-street bank, Barclays, and top ten media agency, Walker Media, along with other experts.

Cut through the communications clutter in your strategy with one of the most compelling advertising tools available in today’s market place.


* Victoria Peckett, Digital Account Director, Walker Media
* Rachel Eyre, Marketing Communications Manager, Barclays Retail Banking


* Rumbi Pfende, Country Manager, Zylom by RealGames UK

New developments in targeting technology shows you how with the benefit of unique and powerful targeting software you can achieve highly profitable online advertising both locally and on a pan European basis.


* Antonio Tomarchio, ,


* Matthew Brown, Marketing Director,

Technology challenges in building new media applications

New media applications need to connect to millions of users across multiple media and platforms.

Applications simultaneously need to

– Work across computers, smart phones and other mobile devices, all of which have to sync up seamlessly in the background.
– Link to various social media platforms, such as blogs, twitter, facebook, etc.
– Target the content to the users of each of these platforms

This brings up its own set of technical challenges viz. scalable application architectures, flexible IT infrastructure and tools for targeting.


* Manjusha Madabushi, CTO, Talentica Software (I) Pvt Ltd

Where next for Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing has grown over the past 12 months and according to the IAB PwC Online Ad Spend study made up the second largest portion of online display advertising in 2009.
Often affiliate marketing is seen as a one size fits all solution and a discipline that perhaps does not need as much nurturing as other forms of advertising. Although the financial model of affiliate marketing is robust it is dangerous to see affiliate marketing as a 100% risk free channel.
This session will look at the way affiliate marketing is now a multi channel discipline and how this growth creates issues for merchants, agencies and publishers to ensure they have suitable strategies and programmes in place to deal with this.


* Dan Redfearn, Membership Manager, iab

Unselling Social Media: Customer Service Online Communities

What is wrong with customer service? What is next for customer service? Online communities are entering this space to create a new level of customer satisfaction. Social media and social networking technologies are making it possible to take the customer service conversation into the public domain for the first time. See why customers are loving it, want more of it and the 7 ways your business can benefit from this trend.


* Alexander Nikolov, Chief Marketing Officer, NINETYTEN

Ensure your website can handle the demand generated by a successful ad campaign

Are you ready for overnight success? The point of ad campaigns is to drive more traffic to your website – the more traffic the better. That’s true as long as your site is hosted on infrastructure that can withstand this sudden extra demand. But why should you have to pay for the extra power and bandwidth when you only need this for a fraction of the time?

ElasticHosts is one of the UK’s leading cloud hosting providers. In this seminar we will explain how you can use cloud hosting to scale your website up and down on demand according to fluctuations in traffic, whilst only paying for what you use.


* Richard Davies, CEO, ElasticHosts Ltd.

10 routes to digital advertising success

What is the importance of frequency, format and context? What impact can you expect from social media, search and mobile? Hear 10 key lessons learned from extensive experience by MetrixLab of evaluating the brand impact of digital campaigns.


* Keith Glasspoole, Managing Consultant, MetrixLab

Five ways to create and improve revenues from mobile marketing

This session shows how you can use mobile marketing to drive revenue, engage customers in loyalty and crm programmes, increase direct marketing response and purchase rates. We also show how mobile marketing reaches “the rest of us” non-iPhone users. Finally we peek into new interactive technologies on the verge to make campaigns even more interactive and succesful.


* Alexander Vlasblom , Marketing Director, Netsize

The rise of search marketing and social media marketing: How they can work together for your business

According to a recent Guava and Econsultancy Study, 96% of businesses expect to increase their investment in social media over the next 12 months. However, what does this channel offer to mainstream businesses? Martin Dinham from Guava will speak about one of the usages of social media — its interaction with your search marketing program and how the two can work together to ensure your brand communicates effectively with your market through social media and organic search engines. Using real world examples from Guavas extensive client base, Dinham will reveal how their clients have utilised social media marketing to deliver ROI and also discuss some of the trends for social media and search outlined in the 2010 Guava and Econsultancy Search Engine Marketing Marketplace Report.


* Martin Dinham, Sales Firector, Guava

How to build a successful app: the lessons learned in the journey to becoming the UKs 1st hosted GPU farm

App development is a fast growth industry with a huge amount of potential. To meet this potential many internet businesses need to outsource their hosting and connectivity, but knowing what and how to outsource, finding the right partner and guaranteeing the right service is often tough to navigate. Cortexica explains how they tackled these issues successfully to take WINEfindr — the pocket sommelier — onto the front page of the iTunes App store, and provides advice on how to mimic the success they are seeing as they continue their journey to become the UKs 1st hosted GPU farm.


* Melville Carrie, VP, Product Management, Cortexica

Advice and tips for affiliate marketing success and increased sales online

This session will offer practical advice on how brands can strategically manage their affiliate marketing program to optimize sales online and return on their marketing investments. We will discuss cross channel planning for success, offer and voucher code strategies that will help build customer loyalty and key tips to growing affiliate relationships. Debenhams will demonstrate what affiliate promotions led to their most lucrative season online to date and will showcase their latest creative innovations. You will leave this session with key insight of what and what not to do in affiliate marketing!


* Gillian Makepeace, Senior Marketing Coordinator – Affiliates, Debenhams
* Paul Brown, Publisher Services Manager, affilinet

Building a digital strategy for non-transactional brands

The majority of the current teachings in digital are based around brands where a transaction takes place. But what about all the brands who are non transactional? How have they reached success online?

Building your non transactional brand online needs careful consideration. Audience behaviour and engagement is very different, revenue generating behaviour is harder to quantify, and goal-based conversion must be thought of in innovative ways.

This session will incorporate research and case studies from global brands to show the best ways to build your brand online. It will reveal helpful tips and useful practices for facilitation. As well as this, it will share insights to improve non-transactional online businesses in the current digital landscape.


* Niall Mckinney, CEO, UTalkMarketing
* , ,

Why no brand can afford to ignore mobile

Mobile Marketing Magazine editorial director David Murphy presents an introduction to mobile marketing. The session will explain why no brand or organisation can afford to ignore mobile, explain what mobile marketing tools are at your disposal, and offer advice on how to use them most effectively to generate sales and deliver positive ROI


* David Murphy, Editorial Director, Mobile Marketing Magazine (Dot Media)

Stay up to date with the web video revolution

90% of all web traffic will be video within three years. Find out about the latest innovations in interactive web video, how to benefit from convergence of people watching the web on their TVs and the latest in video for smart phones.


* Simon Walton, Exective Producer, SilverstreamTV

Drive sales with online video – See what works!

In this session, Brett Wilson, CEO of TubeMogul, will review real case studies demonstrating how major brands are using video to ring the register. The focus of the session will be on practical takeaways advertisers can use to drive sales and brand awareness. Brett will outline which strategies, ad units and placements are working — and the metrics available to evaluate success of online video campaigns.


* Brett Wilson, CEO, TubeMogul


* Stephen Hunt, UK MD, ClashMedia

The apps explosion and key opportunities for brands

Over the last five years, the apps industry has exploded. With app downloads expected to increase from over 7 billion in 2009 to almost 50 billion by 2012, growing at the rate of 62% CAGR, Patrick Mork, CMO of GetJar, the world’s second largest apps store, shares his insight into the phenomenon that is the apps industry, covering topics such as where the industry has come from, its rapid evolution and its key players. Who is downloading apps, what are they downloading and how often? What are the key opportunities for brands and how can marketers and advertisers get traffic even without the use of an app? All of this and more will be explored in this fascinating session on the global apps explosion.


* Patrick Mork, CMO, GetJar

Taking advertising local – through mobile

Ad360 enables delivery of highly relevant advertising and marketing messages for right users by precise local targeting through Mobile. This drives clickthrough rates and subsequent advertiser referral, increasing ROI. Precise targeting options include channel, location, keyword, time, demographic etc. The extensible plug-in architecture allows other customizable targeting options.

Ad360 provides the options of multiple ad units like SMS, MMS, Banners, Video or Web units to be delivered through multiple channels like messaging, mobile internet or mobile application. Call-to-action type options be it mobile site or URL, dynamic landing page, click-to-call or click to SMS helps in closing the response loop. Ad360 from Rapid Mobile is the premium white-label solution that allows you to own and take control of your mobile advertising.


* Dr Richard M Marshall, Founder & CTO, Rapid Mobile Ltd.

Cost per branding – The new online currency beyond CTR

In his presentation held at interact 2010, Comscore CEO Gian M. Fulgoni, revealed that 84% of users will never click on any ad. At the same time, he made clear that significant changes have been measured in user behavior even for campaigns with low click rates. Therefore, a branding impact is registering in the minds of the people. The “performance v. branding� debate has been a constant companion for several years. The main obstacle to growth when transforming the branding effect into a business model is missing KPIs and the lack of standardisation for an adequate measurement model. Recently, has shown that this obstacle can now be surmounted, proving it in a campaign with L’Oréal. So please, ladies and gentlemen, welcome the “cost per branding�!


* Karim H. Attia, CBDO,

Exploring web videos new frontier

90% of all web traffic will be video within three years. Find out about the latest innovations in interactive web video. How to benefit from convergence of people watching the web on their TVs, The latest in video for smart phones.


* Sam Joseph, Producer, Silverstream TV

Is your Conversion Rate killing your results?

Are you sure that optimising your conversion rate will improve the profitability of your business? The received wisdom is that it does, but in fact this is frequently not true! Confused by this? Come to this session and you will:

– Learn why conversion rate may not be the most effective measure of success for your site or campaigns
– Hear some alternative approaches that reveal the real impact of marketing activity and site changes
– Takeaway a roadmap to smarter measurement that will enable you to truly optimise your online spend


* Matthew Tod, , Logan Tod & IDM Trainer

Oblique strategies for improving website performance

– Direct targets that are doomed to failure
– Six less obvious places to look for sales success
– What does best practice look like?


* Mike Teasdale, , Harvest Digital & IDM Trainer

ECRM strategy made simple

– Using FMCG and retail case studies to show the practical steps to a successful eCRM campaign
– Ten Top Tips for successful revenue generation


* Felix Velarde, Managing Director, Underwired

The Challenges of Indexing Content for Google and Other Search Engines

– How search engines find, crawl and index your web site content
– The importance of search engine friendly design and other factors you need to consider to aid crawling
– How to use diagnostic tools to identify potential problem areas and to use other tools to aid the speed of indexing
– How search engines look at your content and how to avoid the major pitfalls such as unwittingly creating duplicate content


* Mike Rogers, , Optimize & IDM Trainer

The Truths and Misconceptions of Quality Score in Pay per Click

– Paid Search (Pay per Click , PPC) Importance of Understanding how ads are ranked
– Keyword Discovery and the long tail
– PPC- Segmentation, Bid Management?
– Continuous Quality Improvement – Ad relevancy and landing page quality
– Broadening your reach through contextual PPC and other ad formats


* Mike Rogers, , Optimize & IDM Trainer

Rationale for the total social B2B brand

– Why things are not like they used to be
– The new dimension of customer experience in the digital age
– Social media as part of the wider brand experience
– Marketing Budget Allocation 2.0
– The reported brand experience
– Sourcing and creating the right content


* John Bottom, , BaseOne & IDM Trainer

How to achieve the total social B2B brand

– Monitoring and measuring
– Implementing your strategy
– Ways to calculate ROI
– Justifying the time and expense
– Getting buy-in


* Gifford Morley – Fletcher, , BaseOne & IDM Trainer

What does email marketing look like for B2B in 2010?

Email is now part of our everyday lives, but attitudes and technology have changed.
So what is the landscape in 2010?

– Interaction rates
– Deliverability
– Data
– Reporting
– Reputation
– Mobile
– Social Media


* Ed Weatherall, , Concep & IDM Trainer

How to make your mobile site maximise visits, dwell time and returns

– Content – cater for a wide range of handsets with different profiles and alter the content and delivery dynamically
– Creativity – select assets which will encourage an interactive experience for browsers
– Usability – optimise the browsing experience by harnessing the functions of different handsets


* Robert Thurner, , Incentivated & IDM Trainer

Extending video and video advertising to mobile devices

Discover how to take on-line video services out to mobile devices and how you can use your existing ad trafficking platform to generate revenues through the dynamic insertion of pre and post roll advertising. This seminar is a must for media owners, ad networks or digital agencies looking to take advantage and monetise the increasing consumer demand of mobile video.


* David Springall, CTO, Yospace

Challenges and opportunities of developing apps for all mobile platforms

Mobile marketing is exploding. A lot of major brands now have a serious focus on doing mobile marketing efficiently as a major importance of future marketing lies within the mobile channel. CEO Magnus Jern explains the challenges and opportunities of developing mobile apps. It will be about thinking beyond iPhone and Android, considering all platforms to reach the masses, choosing development model and giving you advice for success. Golden Gekko is the leading app developer in Europe working with global brands in need of a strong presence in the mobile space in order to gain brand awareness and new revenue streams


* Magnus Jern, CEO, Golden Gekko Ltd.

Advanced SEO: Once you get to the top, how do you stay there?

Getting to the top spot on Google the dream for every marketing manager. But once you get there, how do you stay there? Can your brand claim EVERY spot on the SERPs (search engine results pages)?! Learn ALL the best techniques (and some of the best kept secrets) in SEO, and discover how to integrate them into a winning SEO strategy for your business using blogs, microsites, multiple languages, sub domains, news feeds, images, digital video, local search and search wikis.


* David Deutsch, Head of Search, Fortune Cookie

Introduction to Facebook Ads

With over 500 million users worldwide and unprecedented targeting capabilities, Facebook gives you a unique opportunity to efficiently connect with your customers before they even search for your products. In this detailed overview of Ads and Pages, you will learn all about Facebook’s product offerings and audience breakdown. We will teach you how to best use Facebook’s robust targeting system and share best practices. This workshop is ideal for individuals who are just beginning to advertise on Facebook.


* Rick Kelley, Head of Mid Market Sales EMEA, Facebook

Optimising your Facebook Ads Campaigns

With over 500 million users worldwide and unprecedented targeting capabilities, Facebook gives you a unique opportunity to efficiently connect with your customers before they even search for your products. If you’re a past or current advertiser, get up to speed on our latest insights and case studies. We will share optimisation tips and best practices designed to help you make the most of your Facebook advertising efforts. This workshop is targeted to individuals who are already advertising on Facebook and wish to broaden their expertise.


* Kirby Koo, Team Lead, Online Sales Operations, Facebook

Why content strategy will be bigger than social media in 2011

At the sold out Content Strategy Forum in Paris earlier this year, the buzz was that content strategy is all set to be the next big buzz.

But what exactly is it? What would a good content strategy look like? And whose natural evolution is it – information architects? UX specialists? Content editors? Account planners?

Founder and ceo of digital copywriting agency Catherine Toole looks at the myths surrounding content strategy, identifies the bits that are new and those we have all been doing for years in one form or another. After this session, when your CEO asks: do we have a content strategy in place – you will know what to say.


* Catherine Toole, CEO, StickyContent

How data and analytics are shifting the display advertising landscape

Review market and display advertising trends for advertisers and publishers using data and technology, and how publishers specifically are evolving their strategy and business with multi-platform use of data/technology.

With case studies from The Guardian.


* Nicolle D. Pangis, Senior Vice President Product Management Global Media and Technology, 24/7 Real Media
* Tim Gentry, Head of Optimisation & Effectiveness, Guardian Commercial

Behind the music: Discover how to make the ad-funded model work

This year, we7 became the first music on-demand site to make the 100 percent ad funded model turn a profit. Find out the secrets of the success of we7 and how it is using IP Intelligence and geotargeting technology to deliver tailored ads that help maximise revenues while still respecting customer privacy. This seminar will identify common problems with the ad funded model and explain the innovative digital marketing techniques that are guaranteed to ensure relevant content for customers and bring new eyeballs for advertisers. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how IP Intelligence can bring true value to any business model.


* Steve Purdham, CEO, we7
* Frank Bobo, VP Business Development, Digital Element

Find out how publishers can grow traffic for free with new technologies

A new technology is changing the way publishers interact with their audiences, distribute their content, and build new readership online. This service has already changed the way online content is delivered in many countries, and now it is coming to the West. Our company is at the forefront of this change with the largest service of it’s kind in the world. We would like to prepare ad:tech attendees for this coming change in web publishing standards by explaining the nature and function of this new technology.


* Ryan Brown, President, MGID

The reality beyond the hype: Location based mobile marketing

Location based applications such as FourSquare are starting to gain serious traction but what is the reality beyond the hype? As location moves to the very heart of the mobile value proposition it is essential to understand not just the sales opportunity but exactly what will make consumers engage with your business, while avoiding common mistakes that could damage your brand. One of the first UK based location coupon networks; VouChaCha will take you on a journey of lessons learnt and give you a glimpse into the future of location based marketing, including case studies featuring their reference clients such as


* Ben Brown, CEO, VouChaCha

A practical guide: How to build a mobile proposition that engages & converts

Whilst mobile explodes, marketers still want to know how to balance ROI with protecting brand and providing great experience? There are over 6000 devices out there with a worrying lack of standardization then add the OS & App wars. Whilst the mobile industry affords new opportunity; this needs to fall in line with common themes such as increased focus on leveraging current systems and assets plus utilizing existing resources. These and more questions are posed every day to Netbiscuits, who will draw on 10 years experience in this space to provide an intensive guide to building a mobile proposition.


* Duncan Hallas, VP Business Development, Netbiscuits

Harnessing the power of online research communities for decision making advantage

The explosion in social media has been forcing marketing and research professionals to figure out how to exploit the power of web based applications for insight advantage. As a result many companies are turning to online research communities to support decision making; harnessing the power of communities but applying them to the research process. During this presentation Toluna identifies what the value of online communities are to brands, agencies and the respondent with reference to live case studies.


* Mark Hallums, Director of Product Technology – EMEA, Toluna

Reaching the tipping point – when should a brand build their own social community?

The concept of online community — brands engaging directly with customers, prospects, stakeholders and even critics — is still relatively new. Many brands understand the importance of online communities, but are nervous about relinquishing control of their customers to third party networks such as Twitter and Facebook. This presentation will examine the tipping point for brands who are understanding the importance of social media engagement, but who want more control over their communities. It will present case studies of brands that built their own online communities to address business needs such as customer service, or branded social networks for consumers.


* Graeme Harvey, Managing Director, HuzuTech

The next generation of email: Thinking outside the inbox

Nigel Arthur from ExactTarget will present the next generation of email and one-to-one marketing. Hear how brands around the world are achieving unparalleled success by transforming email into a personalised, customer-driven messaging channel by using email in tandem with social media, text messaging, CRM, web analytics and off-line channels.

— Learn how integrating new channels into email marketing programs can deliver relevant content to customers and enable them to share the message via text messaging and social media
— Hear how companies around the world are harnessing the power of multiple messaging channels in tandem with email to drive increased engagement


* Nigel Arthur, Managing Director , ExactTarget

How to achieve link-building success to maximise revenue

Brands are either connected or invisible, so good link building is a brand imperative.Most brands know this but there is a big difference between knowing that links are important and securing them.

This presentation will show how link-building success can be achieved by combining the skills and experience of SEO and PR professionals to identify business opportunities and then develop and sell-in persona-targeted content.

A must-see for those interested in SEO, Online PR and, most importantly, maximising revenue.


* Stefan Hull, Business Director, Propellernet

Get real: How real time bidding (RTB) and demand side platforms (DSPs) impact the online advertising industry

— Why is real time bidding becoming so important now?
— The rise of Demand Side Platforms (DSPs).
— Predictions for the UK market and comparisons with the US including a look at the likely impact of Google entering the fray with the acquisition of Invite Media?
— The risks of real time bidding — the impact on prices and targeting
— The role of Supply Side Platforms (SSPs)


* Ben Trenda, Vice President of REVV Marketplace Development, The Rubicon Project

Enlarge, convert and beyond: How to monetise your social media audience

— Generate traffic with advertising
— Convert audience to member
— Convert member to premium account


* Cyril Zimmermann, CEO, Hi-media group

Unlock the potential of mobile marketing with network enablers: Drive sales and brand engagement with Mobile Crediting

The non-smartphone majority is often over–looked when designing the latest mobile marketing campaigns. This session looks at the practical ways you can tap in to the unrivalled reach of mobile to create innovative and engaging campaigns, including a closer look at how Mobile Crediting is being used by Coca-Cola in their Summer Gimme Credit promotion.


* Alex Moir, General Manager Europe, Open Market

Brand safety is no longer an option: but how do you choose the technology provider?

Most brand advertisers have already been harmed online. Notable brands have been caught mistakenly sponsoring pornography, hate speech, racist content, and the like. The problem is overwhelming for online marketers: billions of ad placement transactions on millions of websites, creates a logistical nightmare for the brand manager. As a result, brand-sensitive display advertising has been largely relegated to less than 10,000 whitelisted websites globally, while billions of websites are available, most of them with quality content and quality customers. Advertising reach has been decreasing despite the Internet’s ever-growing frequentation. This suffocating effect describes an industry that is constricting, not expanding – all the while, brands must still find their way online, safely.

In this session, we will explore a multi-threaded approach to online brand-safety. We will cover technology solutions, publisher vetting, network vetting and best practices to prevent brand damage.


* Brian Golbere, CTO, ADSOVO

Search meet display – Display meet search

Search marketing has a dynamic ecosystem of biddable marketplaces that advertisers can value and buy media. The time has come for this remarkable system of decision–making and trading to come to the display market. For too long, display advertising has been hamstrung by an antiquated method of trading that delays decisions, creates inefficiencies and suppresses investment by advertisers. Learn how the ad exchanges, such as Doubleclick and Rightmedia, are creating marketplaces that will provide an efficient and dynamic environment for media owners and advertisers to do business.


* Jonathan Beeston, European Client Services Director, Efficient Frontier

Maximise the potential of rich media mobile marketing by eliminating the cost to the your consumers

Smarter phones and ubiquity of the mobile internet allow mobile marketers and brands to engage with consumers in more creative and relevant ways, from video adverts to branded apps and microsites. Growth of this high potential channel is slowed by consumer fear and uncertainty of the network data charges that will be incurred. The simple and elegant Sender Pays Data solution gives brands the opportunity to eliminate the cost to the consumer and guarantee that the end user will not be charged for viewing media rich advertising content. We will demonstrate that with these consumer costs removed, brands can effectively use internet via mobile to interact with consumers in sectors as diverse as retail, transport and entertainment.


* Stephen Wood, Director of Product Management, mBlox

Integrating SEO and PPC for success. For Legoland, Mr.Paparazzi and The Dungeons

This seminar will explore 3 successful case studies using integrated SEO and PPC to deliver: increased brand awareness, visitor traffic, online bookings, venue footfall and incremental revenue. The presentation will outline the objectives of 3 very different clients and how these were met using Creative Search Marketing.

While the client offerings are fun — Gruesome History — Gossip — Learning with Lego — there is a science behind making their Search Marketing campaigns so successful. Marketers will go away armed with new ways to target audiences and new ways to use SEO and PPC to meet their objectives.


* Nick Beck, Managing Director, Tug

Get multiple pages of your website to the top of SERPs for competitive terms

Landing page optimisation. How are both the largest and smallest UK websites getting multiple pages of their website to the top of SERPs for competitive search terms. Simple DIY guide to how your content and site structure can achieve this. 3 Client led case studies in Ecommerce, B2B and Lead Generation.


* Daniel Cartwright, Marketing Director, NewsReach/ContentPlus

The new media age Top 100 Interactive Agencies guide to the state of the agency sector — Part 1

For the past decade, new media age has compiled the only definitive guide for the UK to the interactive agency sector. The new media age Top 100 Interactive Agencies guide ranks marketing, design and build, technical and media agencies to create a snapshot of the state of the sector. In this session, new media age editor in chief Michael Nutley will discuss the trends revealed by this years guide and the way the sector is likely to change in the future.


* Michael Nutley, Editor in Chief, new media age

The new media age Top 100 interactive agencies: A guide to the state of the agency sector (Part two)

For the past decade, new media age has compiled the only definitive guide for the UK to the interactive agency sector. The new media age Top 100 Interactive Agencies guide ranks marketing, design and build, technical and media agencies to create a snapshot of the state of the sector. In this session, new media age editor in chief Michael Nutley will discuss the trends revealed by this years guide and the way the sector is likely to change in the future.


* Michael Nutley, Editor in Chief, new media age

Harnessing the power of voucher codes

– Voucher codes are a significant part of affiliate marketing. However there are risks in using them
– This session will help outline who the affiliates are, how they work and how advertisers can optimise the sales they get
– It will also look at the variety of codes and metrics that need to be considered before embarking on a voucher code strategy


* Kevin Edwards, Affiliate Window and IDM Trainer, IDM

The Future of Advertising: How brands are engaging users through content driven advertising

Join us to see best practice examples of branded content across the web including Mercedes, 20th Century Fox and Unilever utilising social, UGC and interactive platforms. Then explore how next-generation hyperlinks are enabling brands to deliver relevant, useful and entertaining content via search results, recipes, reviews, whitepapers, sports scores and more. Discover how leading brands are driving users to engage with their fantastic branded content by delivering rich, real-time content directly inside ad units.


* Anna Tracey, Head of UK Sales, Vibrant Media


* Tom Pepper, Director of Sales and Strategic Partnerships, Vibrant Media

Which words define your brand? How brands are owning their words in web content

Which words describe your product or define your brand? Explore the innovative ways to extend your strategic advertising messaging into a relevant digital environment. See current examples of marketers who are leveraging search, display and in-text advertising to associate themselves with emotive, competitor and brand terms across the internet.


* Fiona Salmon, Business Development Director, Vibrant Media
* Matt Boak, Director of Sales and Strategic Partnerships, Vibrant Media

In-application advertising

This session presents opportunities in mobile advertising to reach mobile consumers on a global level. It will demonstrate pricing methods (CPC, CPM, CPD), ad formats and some interesting numbers on the state of the mobile advertising market.

The number of apps downloadable in app stores is exploding. But with so many competitors it’s a challenge for developers and publishers to earn money with their content. An alternative to selling apps is to monetize the content trough in-app advertising.


* Ramy Yared, Managing Director, adsmobi Inc.

Building brand loyalty through mCouponing

Is your consumer brand in a position to take advantage of the 4 billion mCouponing opportunity?
mCouponing offers brands much higher redemption rates (typically up to 50% compared to less than 2% in print media). The media space is much cheaper and thanks to geolocation technology, mCouponing is more targeted.
Furthermore mCouponing generates greater loyalty and is scalable, meaning that businesses can test redemption rates at low cost. Once a successful campaign has been created, it can be scaled up to allow greater redemption.
2ergo Ariya Priyasantha, Head of Ticketing and Coupons will take you through the market opportunity and case studies, including Olay Total Effects.


* Ariya Priyasantha, Head of Mobile Ticketing & Coupons, 2ergo

Optimise your spend with Search and Targeting from Microsoft Advertising

Learn how to maximise your ROI with the highest conversion rates from Bing – users are 54 percent more likely to buy coming from the Bing Search Experience than from other popular search engines. Microsoft Advertising also offers multiple targeting options to reach your audience with the right message at the right time. Target precision audiences at scale across the Microsoft properties with high impact digital advertising, for greater engagement.


* Colm Bracken, Search Lead, Microsoft

Using the Internet to understand and improve On/Offline marketing effectiveness

The internet is now a mainstream media, with user numbers continuing to grow. These users are constantly viewing and creating online content -discussing every conceivable topic. The sheer scale of the internet makes it impossible to listen to and understand all of this ‘noise’. Imagine the intelligence the internet holds if only its contents could be sorted, categorised and filtered.

This session discusses new technologies available to automate the process of listening in, leading to faster optimisation and higher returns. Learn how these tools can give you valuable insight into public opinion of your current advertising campaign and overall brand perception.


* Flemming Madsen, Founder and Director, Onalytica

Advertising on Social Games

The presentation explores the new opportunity that social gaming presents for advertisers and marketers seeking a new forum for customer engagement. Social games are browser based and combine the simplicity of casual games with the community-based attributes of social networks. Unlike console games they reach a mass market audience that mirrors that of social networks such as Facebook and Myspace. Social games offer a controlled environment for brands to engage with audiences along with precise targeting and measurable ROI. The presentation will also cover the new “engagement” solutions that brands and game developers are evolving to communicate with audiences in this environment.


* Gilles Storme, Head of Sales EMEA, RockYou, Inc.

Android, iPad, iPhone…monetising mobile across platforms

Discover how and why advertising campaigns on mobile deliver on performance and brand engagement across platforms. See how brands have benefited from the reach and targeting achieved on different platforms and the innovative ad formats used.


* Nicholas Cumisky, Senior Industry Manager, AdMob

All Eyeballs on Mobile – How the 7th mass media provides innovative solutions to persistent problems

With ‘All Eyeballs on Mobile’, Nathan presents an update to the industry of new, mutually beneficial products in the world of mobile technology. Sharing practical evidence of success stories and case studies, he will inform us why the 7th mass media is the only one worth focusing on. In this informative talk Nathan discloses why and how taking ownership of your own distribution channel will transcend a company’s progression into global markets. He explains how to achieve guaranteed cost effective and measurable results.


* Nathan Lewin, Founder and Technical Director, Eyeballs Mobile Advertising

Discover how targeting on mobile can make your campaigns a success

Can we achieve the “holy grail” of mobile targeting? How effective is location targeting? Can we target by a users interests? How can we pinpoint a mobile user? In this presentation, Nick Marsh will answer these questions and uncover how to make mobile advertising work harder than ever before.


* Nick Marsh, Director of Sales, EMEA, Mojiva

Effective Content Strategies for E-Commerce Websites

The heavily dynamic, rapidly changing and expansive nature of enterprise-level e-commerce websites make for exceedingly complex content development strategies. This session aims to acquaint the attendee with a solid, concise foundation on how to maximise the ranking power of e-commerce website content, and how to focus on targeting high commercial intent keywords.

– Learn the common content pitfalls associated with E-Commerce websites and how to resolve them
– Tap into commercial intent and increase conversion rates by focussing e-commerce content for the right search queries
– Discover the value of User Generated Content and how to incentivise customers to grow an e-commerce site’s content
– Ensure keyword prominence by optimising the right on-page elements
– Take advantage of Google Product Search feed management and optimisation
– Use Web Analytics data to support e-commerce content strategies


* Neil Yeomans, Head of SEO, Lakestar Media

Brand Interaction and delivering positive ROI – GameStop a case study

GameStop is the world’s largest games retailer with over 6,100 stores and a $8.9 billion annual turnover, Jellyfish are a leading performance digital media agency. The brief to Jellyfish was to create a USA digital brand led acquisition strategy across paid search.

This case study is focused around the innovations in paid search formats that allow deeper brand interaction on both Google and Yahoo plus the successful use of video search and brand channels on You Tube. The case study will show the creative and media strategy and include the ROI positive results. Demonstrating that brand and ROI campaigns are not mutually exclusive.


* Craig Lister, Client Services Director, Jellyfish

Your brand in their pocket: now what?

The mobile phone as a 24/7 digital media channel, facilitating interaction between users and your brand on demand and on the go. From passive display advertising to active engagement through mobile applications, loyalty and couponing. Devices such as the iPhone and Blackberry have lessened the gap between the PC and the handset to allow a much richer, engaging and rewarding experience for all.


* Stefano Diemmi, Buongiorno, Managing Director, B!Digital UK

Twitter for Businesses

In this exclusive ad:tech London 2010 workshop, Elizabeth Weil –the product marketing manager for commerce initiatives for Twitter– will speak with the ad:tech community about how businesses can use Twitter effectively and how Twitter’s suite of advertising products extend those capabilities.

Through a series of use cases and case studies, Weil will illustrate how companies in the U.S. are leveraging Twitter’s growing platform today and discuss how European companies can apply the lessons learned to their own campaigns on Twitter.


* Elizabeth Weil, Product Marketing Manager, Twitter

App Affiliate Marketing; How it works for the Media Owner, the Advertiser and the Consumer


* Jon Mundy, Director of Business Development (UK), apprupt

Will automated trading platforms shake up the online display market?

The role of ad-exchanges and demand-side platforms and the impact they will have in online display advertising has been widely debated and discussed in 2010. Is this just talk or are they really here to change the way we buy and sell display advertising? Technology investment is heavy with both demand and supply players stating the aim is to make it easier to trade display advertising. Will the investment be worth it? More importantly, what will this mean for advertisers, their agencies, publishers and ad networks in the coming years?


* Damon Reeve, CEO, Unanimis

Effectively engage with communities and monetise your activities in social media

As marketers have dug deeper into understanding social media and how to engage with communities, so has Omniture. We have developed analytics tools for marketers to measure how consumers are engaging with Facebook pages and applications as well as analytics for Twitter. Omniture also partnered with Facebook to integrate media buying capabilities into our SearchCenter+ product to reach the massive and engaged audience on Facebook while harnessing the rich profile targeting features.

Join this seminar to learn how you can harness the tools Omniture has developed in conjunction with Facebook to track and analyse Facebook pages and applications. You will also discover how to target your most engaged community members on Facebook through the rich targeting capabilities and campaign management and optimisation functionality within SearchCenter+.


* Martyn Jobber, Director – Solution Consulting, EMEA, Omniture Business Unit, Adobe

5 secret PPC metrics your competitors don’t want you to know

Are you like most advertisers who monitor the obvious metrics from their paid search efforts, looking at things like impressions, click-throughs and conversion?
Many take it to the next level and look at their web analytics activity as well. But only top advertisers go beyond average metrics and merge their PPC metrics and their web analytics for deeper, more powerful insights.

Think you’ve got what it takes to compete in the search battle?

In this dynamic, fast-paced session, Marc Poirer will teach you 5 secret metrics that will help you take your Search Engine Marketing to the next level. Learn how to combine your Paid Search and Web Analytics metrics to create much more meaningful reports, make better decisions and increase your ROI… or your competitors will.


* Marc Poirier, Co-Founder & CMO, Acquisio

Social media: Disrupting the conventional marketing model

Social media has disrupted the conventional marketing model. People are now just one click away from the perfect job, the ideal product, a damning video diary or a five star review. But it’s not about blindly rolling out the latest marketing tactics just for the sake of it. Brands need to develop their social strategy in line with business objectives.

In this seminar Five by Five will demonstrate how you can navigate the changing media landscape and share how socialised brands can deliver success. Join Nick Gill as he examines the power of social media in the marketing mix. Case studies include Activision, B&Q, Sony PlayStation


* Chris Buckley, Head of Planning, Five by Five

Getting it right with Ad Serving and targeting technologies

Visitors are invited to attend this practical session demonstrating how technology can be used extensively to improve revenues on any digital platform.


* Ken Parnham, Managing Director UK & Ireland, ADTECH

Fully integrated CRM, Adserving & Analytics – How to get the numbers and people to finally ad up

See how Adtoma-Fusion glues it all together and how this complete business system for online publishers integrates and streamlines the entire media supply chain, simplifying the organizations advertising workflow.


* Henrik Lohk, COO, Adtoma
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Going beyond behavioural to drive online success

The term ‘Behavioural Targeting’ has become a catch all phrase for any type of online targeting. However, this umbrella term disguises the wealth of different targeting options and sophistications available to marketers, with ‘behavioural’ being just one facet of this. Ultimately it is people who buy products and, as a result, there is now a move towards audience base, data-driven targeting. This session will discuss the evolution of targeting, the need to adopt an audience strategy and how data-based targeting is critical to driving online success.


* Stuart Colman, Managing Director, UK, Audience Science

Innovative ways to connect and retain contact with audiences using mobile

Smart phones account for 17.5 per cent of all phones in the UK. From walkers downloading maps, business people on the road accessing directions, to mates organising a night out, the mobile phone has become an indispensable part of everyday life.

Historically mobile marketing was confined to simple SMS but with the proliferation of UGC and social media sites, marketers now have an opportunity to engage with their customers in innovative and creative ways via mobile.This seminar will show examples of some of the work Sequence have done with mobile and how clients can use it to engage and deepen connections with audiences.


* Mark Johnson, Creative Director, Sequence

How to create a profitable eCRM programme

With brand consideration up 11%, eCRM has revolutionised marketing for FMCG giant McCain Foods. As a result, sales to customers within the brand’s database went up 38%. This talk will show you clearly and concisely how an eCRM programme to sharply increase brand engagement, brand consideration and sales revenues.


* Felix Velarde, Managing Director, Underwired

How digital agencies will take control of clients’ hearts, minds and wallets by the end of 2010

Whilst above the line agencies think digital agencies taking the lead is ludicrous, it is the inevitable truth that as changing behaviours are transforming the market place, digital will take total control and will soon have their boots on the necks of traditional agencies.

With the rise in mobile, augmented reality, and the increasing personalisation of marketing through digital channels, todays crowded market place requires the boldness and big ideas that digital can provide brilliantly, and for a fraction of the price. By the end of 2010, traditional agencies will be trying to justify their share of their clients spend compared to digital.


* Margaret Manning, CEO, Reading Room

Whither the Click? European study highlighting the view-through impact of online display advertising

The curse of the Internet as “the most measurable medium” is perpetuated by many practitioners reliance on “the click” as a relevant measure of display advertising efficacy. Despite the long-held obsession with using clicks to measure campaign performance – which reflect only the immediate impact of an ad – the comScore studies demonstrate that the Internet is clearly effective as a latent brand-building medium.

The research revealed in this seminar will update the “How Online Advertising Works” study from the US with European analysis on the latent value and engagement of non-click consumers who now comprise over 80% of the online population. The message for brand advertisers is clear: ignore online as a brand-building channel at your own peril


* Mike Shaw, Director, Marketing Solutions, comScore

The future of display advertising: Next generation ideas to harness the power of web behaviour

The Ad banner as a signpost has had its day and rich media has pointed advertisers towards the alternative possibilities. But what is really on the horizon? Richard Strange talks about how content and functionality-centric advertising is harnessing the power of web behaviour for online marketers.


* Richard Strange, Director, Differencis

A practical guide to increasing reach in your social and online marketing

Social media is an established channel yet not all marketers are relishing the opportunities that social marketing presents. From Twitter to Facebook to the latest networks, blogging, UGC and integrating it all together, what is the best way to engage with your audience? How should you use social?

In this seminar dotCommerce will present practical advice and guidance, alongside real-world examples and benchmarks from our popular So-Commerce benchmarking report as well as some of our own clients, ensuring you come away brimming with quick to implement ideas to add value, sales and increase reach in your social and online marketing.


* Simon Bird, Managing Director, dotCommerce

Beyond Post-Click: A new approach to post-click optimisation for web and mobile campaigns

Post-click optimisation is crucial for maximizing results in both web and mobile advertising campaigns. A new, unified approach has been developed that leverages the full potential of this critical stage — where the actual conversion takes place.
Introducing an additional optimization layer that integrates all aspects of the value of the campaign chain with machine learning technology, advertisers gain total control — from impression to conversion. Taking the guess-work out of the post-click process, visitors interests are matched with advertisers calls to action, enabling delivery of the right landing page to the right visitor, thus dramatically improving ROI — while streamlining the entire process.


* Tsafrir Peles, co – CEO, DSNR Media Group

Looking forward to a multi-channel Christmas

How will the retail sector perform this Christmas? Drawing on a combination of insights from Christmases past and the latest online and offline behavioural trends, this session will highlight the key challenges and opportunities facing online and multi-channel retailers this festive season.

Find out how Experian Marketing Services can help drive, and measure the success of, your multi-channel campaigns, by understanding:

– The peaks in Christmas retail traffic, and how it varies by sector
– How the profile of the multi-channel consumer changes over the Christmas period
– Which customer acquisition strategies deliver the greatest return
– The role of social media in online retail


* Robin Goad, Director of Research, Experian Hitwise

How to take advantage of the evolution of platform traded display media

The online media planning and buying world is evolving at a rapid pace. One significant milestone in this development is that 2010 was billed as the year real time bidding revolutionised the way online display media was traded. With clients including Hixcox, Orange, Virgin Games and LoveFilm, Global Digital Markets will take a look at real time bidding, the key players in the space, and evaluates what the revolution means for advertisers and their agencies.


* John Were, Operations Director, Global Digital Markets Ltd.

Behavioural Targeting and Creativity



* Nick Stringer, Director of Regulatory Affairs, IAB

The top search marketing secrets, revealed

The IAB Search Council – a committee of senior experts from the likes of Bing, Google, Yahoo!, leading agencies and advertisers – presents a seminar that aims to lift the lid on search marketing.

Search is still one of the biggest forms of media in its own right and also one of the most talked about. While you may think you have heard it all, we gathered 20 search experts into a room, banged their heads together and collected what fell out to share with attendees at ad:tech London. Speakers and topics include:

— What happens on landing pages? IAB stats show that 61% of brand sites underperfor on primary objectives, learn how to minimise wasted traffic; Mike Teasdale, Planning Director, Harvest Digital

— Use Universal Search Effectively: understand search’s role with social, video, location, real-time and more; Mike Kirwan, Strategic Development Director, Latitude Group

–Strike the Right Match Type: target an audience with the right message at the right time, in order to maximise conversion; Charli Rogers, Client Services Director UK, Efficient Frontier


* Jack Wallington, Head of Industry Programmes, IAB

In demand: Breaking down the myths and barriers surrounded online video advertising

The online video advertising market exploded during 2009 with a massive 140% growth despite the recession. Audiences are already huge and still growing, making this mass market media a must for advertisers to engage with. This session by members of the IAB Video Council, a 40 + strong committee of leading video companies including ITV, Channel 4 Sky, YouTube and Microsoft, will break down the myths and barriers surrounding online video, leaving you with the hard facts to deliver the best video campaigns.


* Jack Wallington, Head of Industry Programmes, IAB

Find out what makes an email a credible email then cast your vote!

Email has been proven time and time again to be an incredibly effective marketing tool – but only if it is done right. But what makes a credible email?

This interactive session will feature a number of genuine broadcast emails and the audience will be called to vote on their perceived effectiveness. Each email will then be examined in greater detail across various key criteria including deliverability, design, usability, message etc to determine if they truly are effective. The vote will then be taken again to see if email effectiveness is about more than just nice design.


* Marcel Cowan, MD, Cowan Group
* Beccy Stanley, Account Director, Tullo Marshall Warren

Online Lead Generation – The Logic, wisdom and vision

The IAB and the IAB Online Lead Generation Council will host a seminar session talking about one of the fastest growing online channels which is massively growing in interest. With networks, agencies and specialist all involved in this space we want to present the value chain, highlight some top tips and move on the future of this exciting new medium.


* Nadine Campbell, Head of Display, bigmouthmedia


* Tim Milverton, Co-Founder and Technical Director, Magnetise Group


* Robin Caller, CEO, Goallover

How social media has become mainstream and why you should get involved in online conversations

The digital era has created a home for many a niche community. Whether you are into wine, comic books, naked skydiving or multi-coloured coats made from human skin, there is bound to be plenty of discussions, forums and blogs to engage your interest online.

In recent years, brands have been able to embrace these online gatherings in the true spirit of social media, monitoring online conversations and getting involved where they can.


* Amy Kean, Senior Marketing and PR Manager, IAB

Mobile Advertising: Making search and display work together

This session brings together experts in mobile advertising to show you how to make the most from a rapidly growing medium and make sure you arre not left behind. It will focus on mobile search and mobile display, showing you current usage trends, case studies, and practical tips on how to maximise effectiveness.


* Jonathan Mew, Head of Mobile, IAB

Change is coming: Will the display advertising market ever be the same again?

The landscape for display advertising is changing so rapidly and the buying chain has just got more complicated than any of us ever imagined. So who is involved? Ad networks, Ad exchanges, Trading platforms, Market places, Publisher optimisation companies, DSPs, Real time bidding, data aggregators and of course agencies and publishers.

With so many different platforms to buy from, there is one big question that brands should ask throughout this complicated buying chain – am I safe? Brand advertisers need to be confident that their ads are not just getting to the right people and evoking the right response, but they’re not surrounded by inappropriate content that could damage their reputation. They should be asking the question, and then letting the experts do the rest, because brand safety is incredibly easy to achieve, but if lost can prove incredibly difficult to retrieve.

This session will aim to provide a real insight into the different companies involved in the buying chain and highlight the potential risks for brand advertisers who don’t ask each part of the chain – am I safe?


* Matt Whaley, MD, Jemm Media
* Julia Smith, Head of IASH, IASH

Why you can’t afford to ignore online lead generation

Online Lead Generation (OLG) is one of the fastest growing sectors of online advertising and if it’s not part of your online customer acquisition strategy you are missing out. OLG takes you beyond the click and much closer to the sale. The seminar will give you an overview of what you need to know to plan your first OLG campaign and ensure it’s a success.


* Justin Rees, Director of Marketing and Partnerships, LeadPoint UK

Achieve optimisation, performance, transparancy without sacrificing ROI

Brands and their agencies are always looking for new and secure ways to get qualified traffic. They have sleepless nights concerned that their ads are running on inappropriate websites which will diminish their brands integrity. The comfort and security they need comes from providing them with transparency and site specific placement without sacrificing ROI. The market demands pinpoint targeting with a focus on optimization. Those companies that are able to develop breakout technologies which can optimize across multiple publishers, networks, platforms and individual websites are the ones that will not only survive but thrive in todays competitive landscape. This combination provides not only brand safety but increased ROI. This informative session will take a deeper dive into this topic area.


* Andrew Moskowitz, COO, Mediashakers

Personalised retargeting: The risk-free secret to doubling your return conversions

Finding an online marketing solution that makes true monetary impact on your bottom line is a huge challenge today. Benny Arbel, CEO and seasoned executive, will be describing how MyThingsMedia, the fastest growing retargeting house in the EU, with its unique CPA based personalized retargeting solution, has succeeded to double (at minimum) return conversions for top retailers across Europe and to increase their average basket value. Mr. Arbel will be presenting MyThingsMedia technology and its key differentiators that deliver impactful results for MyThingsMedia’s customers.


* Benny Arbel, CEO, MyThingsMedia

International SEO, PPC & cultural multivariate: What’s hot in 2010?

The session will provide you with the latest and most up todate research and strategy for undertaking successful international SEO,PPC and Cultural Multivariate campaigns across the globe. Greig Holbrook the presenter is an expert in the field with experience gained with, P & G, Aviva, Brother, Discover America and Universal Music


* Greig Holbrook, Director, OBAN Multilingual

International SEO, PPC & cultural multivariate: Find out what’s hot in 2010

The session will provide you with the latest and most up todate research and strategy for undertaking successful international SEO, PPC and Cultural Multivariate campaigns across the globe. Greig Holbrook the presenter is an expert in the field with experience gained with, P & G, Aviva, Brother, Discover America and Universal Music.


* Greig Holbrook, Director, OBAN Multilingual

Discover the benefits of having a digital agency as your lead agency

Are you guilty of bolting on your digital strategy as an afterthought once the big idea has been agreed? Why? Digital marketing is about to dominate offline forms of marketing and your digital agency can tell you more about your customers and their responses to your brand than traditional above the line outfits. More and more clients are asking digital agencies to take the lead and inform the strategy from the outset. Join us in this session to find out why, and how, and what the benefits of this approach can be.


* Kate Hussey, Head of Digital Display, Steak


* Alastair Boyle, Group Account Director, Steak

How to build a brand tone of voice online (because it is worth it)

You already know good ecommerce copy has to be scannable at speed, optimised for search, with clear calls to action. This is hard enough without asking time poor product managers to supply text which is also on brand. The result? Ecommerce sites which swing wildly from brand led marketing materials to search led product pages. Product pages which can confuse customers and cause distrust. So, is it really worth investing in online tone of voice guidelines which can work alongside seo? In ensuring that even your email sign up and post sales confirmation emails sound like you? Would it really make a difference to your bottom line? Founder and CEO of digital copywriting agency Sticky Content, Catherine Toole argues the case for investing in an online tone of voice. She will show you how, done well, it can result in an uplift in really valuable customer actions such as:

— completing a transaction
— signing up for emails
— using online self-help instead of calling customer service
— selecting what products and services to buy

Sticky Content has worked on online tone of voice projects for: Berghaus, Capgemini, City and Guilds, John Lewis Partnership, Meningitis Trust, Natural History Museum, ODEON, Shop Direct, Sony Europe, THINK! Road Safety campaign, Train to Gain


* Catherine Toole, CEO, StickyContent

Accelerating new customer acquisition with email and social media

Social media is clearly emerging as a powerful channel for acquiring new customers, and integration with email marketing can make it even more effective. Marketers that tap into social networks to drive referral programs are seeing an exponential lift in results. By leveraging the latest technology and program strategy, marketers can easily identify and re-market to their biggest brand advocates, creating a powerful new segment and expanding their reach. This session will feature in-depth case studies from successful campaigns conducted by multiple brands. Learn firsthand how to create compelling acquisition campaigns that tap the viral nature of social media.


* Ryan Deutsch, Vice President of Emerging Media, Strongmail


* Mark Rhodes, Head of Marketing,
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Getting to Yes: Keys to effective negotiation with networks

How do you stand out in a crowd and get what you need in the online marketing business? You negotiate. That is easier said than done, especially when you are negotiating with a pro (affiliate manger). This session will give you the tips and tactics needed to get the best CPA commission, ultimately maximizing your profit margins. Learning these skills early will seriously improve your business bottom line for years to come.


* Rustam Irani, COO, The Media Crew

Six ways to supercharge your SEM campaigns

From PPC to organic SEO, social media to landing page testing and optimisation, this session is designed to give users — from beginners to experts — real, actionable tips, strategies and secrets to get more out of your online marketing efforts. Learn how to obtain free leads from Facebook, grow your PPC results without spending a penny more, and how to boost your conversion rates of forms and carts with changes that take just minutes. Filled with real life examples, case studies and statistics, this can’t miss session promises to inform and entertain, and is brought to you by the #1 Ranked SEM Firm Worldwide as ranked by


* Michael Mothner, Founder & CEO, Wpromote

Beyond ROI: A step change in intelligent customer acquisition marketing

Google paid search has set the benchmark for marketing ROI. Consequently, most marketers already know how much they need to spend on clicks to acquire a customer. But how can you do better than that? And what do we mean by Beyond ROI?

In this seminar we will illustrate how dianomi works with clients to optimise their message, forms, fulfilment, sales process and customer LTV, by listening to the customer.

The brands that will survive today’s competitive marketplace will be those that are constantly learning, adapting and evolving online; those that do not, will be preyed upon. dianomi has an 85% client retention rate with its clients, and has helped maintain their brands’ strength by becoming an essential part of their customer acquisition process.

Exceed expectation and stay ahead. Learn how to go Beyond ROI.


* Cabell de Marcellus, Director, Dianomi


* Julian Barkes, Head of Marketing & Partnerships, Dianomi

Leveraging your internal site data to segment audiences and build effective display campaigns

Most web sites have mass quauntities of data tracking user behavior from simple content consumption to conversion funnel data. The challenge is harnessing that data to create meaningful audience segments of high-value customers and actually applying those segments to re-marketing and visitor acquisition campaigns. In this session we will discuss how you as a marketer can begin utilizing your data as a valuable resource to build effective display marketing campaigns.


* Martyn Jobber, Director – Solution Consulting EMEA, Omniture Business Unit, Adobe

How to deliver user-centric planning and delivery in the Intention Economy

As web services evolve consumer expectation will increase; with a desire for real-time updates, personalised content experiences and location aware applications to be an integral part of their web experience. What does the future of on-line advertising hold and how can advertisers best capitalise on the raft of opportunities and technologies available to them to deliver user centric planning and delivery.


* Steve Dorey, Director of Business Development, UK, Criteo