One in five web page’s will be downloaded from a mobile device by October 2012
The big graphic of the week comes from NetMarketshare, and it’s a graph of the mobile device share of the internet. As you can see the graph is shaping up to be a classic hockey-stick exponential trajectory.
Starting with relatively nothing in the early noughties and then rapidly growing in 2009, the year we and everyone else dubbed the year mobile took off, and by 2010 it’s really getting into it’s stride. The mobile internet is now doubling every eight months according to NetMarketShare figures.
If you extrapolate that trend, and there’s no reason to think the current growth is going to stop any time soon you soon reach (October 2012 by our calculations) a world where one in five web pages downloaded is from a mobile device. Although we think that’s unlikely to happen in quite such a short time, we do think that it’s going to be a real possibility by 2020.
So where’s the growth coming from to fuel the hockey stick trajectory. NetMarketshare have identified the majority (42%) of the traffic to be coming from Apple iOS devices, next up and a close second with 37% of the total is Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME), devices and we probably have Opera to thank for that, followed by Symbian with 11%, and Android in fourth at 8%, the remaining 2% share is unnamed.
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