Tag: Juniper Research

Music on mobile to generate $5.5 billion annually in 2015

Music consumed on mobile handsets will generate $5.5 billion annually in 2015, a rise of $3.1 billion from 2010 The music recording business can rest easier if Juniper Research’s new report is to be believed, we say easier as the $5.5 billion is a drop in the ocean, compared to the money the industry has…

Juniper Research 2011 mobile predictions

Juniper Research have put together their top ten predictions for 2011 in the mobile and wireless field, and it makes interesting reading, although there are no big surprises in the list, and many of the predictions have been predicted many times over in the last ten years. However, Juniper last year predicted that this year…

Mobile ticketing is driving the m-commerce market

A new study by Juniper Research shows that the rapidly increasing usage of mobile devices for tickets for all kinds of travel and entertainment plus sports events will be one of the main factors driving the growth of mobile commerce. Mobile ticketing transactions are forecast to exceed $100bn (based on gross transaction value) as soon…

Mobile TV revenues to hit £4.6bn by 2015

Mobile TV is to finally arrive as WiFi becomes a standard in mobile devices with revenues reaching £4.6bn by 2015 For years now the networks and the handset manufacturers have been telling us that this year is finally going to be the year of mobile TV and each year it isn’t. So it’s tempting to…

Mobile app revenues to exceed $30 billion by 2015

Analysts Juniper Research www.juniperresearch.com forecast that, the combined revenues from apps funded by pay-per-download (PPD), value-added services (VAS, including “freemium” and subscription) and advertising, including apps on portals and dedicated app services like iTunes etc is expected to rise from just under $10 billion (£6.9 billion) in 2009 to $32 billion (£20.7 billion) in 2015.…

Mobile Payments Market to Quadruple by 2014 to £418bn

The Mobile Payments Markets: Strategies & Forecasts 2010-2014 from Juniper Research predicts that the value of mobile payments for digital and physical goods, money transfers and NFC (Near Field Communications) transactions will reach almost £418bn by 2014, up from £113bn in 2010. With the top three regions for mobile payments (Far East & China, W.…